Direct Mail & Postage

Digital is always 'on' but it is significantly important to recognise the true power of direct mail—making a lasting impression that fully compliments the digital landscape. The world is sometimes saturated with online advertisements and fleeting digital messages—yet direct mail always stands out as a tangible and impactful way to connect with your audience.

Imagine your brand landing right on the doormat of your target customers, capturing their attention in a way that no Email or social media advertisement can replicate. We can deliver you a solution that makes a real difference!

Crafting Unforgettable Communications:

Elevate your brand with Direct Mail wizardry

At Inkfish Solutions, we understand that a well-crafted direct mail piece has the potential to create a memorable experience for your audience. From innovative formats to compelling copy, we are dedicated to helping you stand out and leave a lasting impression—and in turn, increase your brand awareness and elevate sales.

Inkfish believe in the enduring power of a personalised message delivered right into the hands of your audience. Whether it be a traditional mail pack, paper-wrap or an intricate one piece mailer (OPM), we can help finesse your brand to not just be seen—but truly experienced.

Managing Director, Elmhurst Windows

“Sincere appreciation for all your hard work Clare. We’ve put our trust in your team to handle all aspects of our mailings. Thanks to your efforts with refining our data, we’ve had another successful campaign. I look forward to our continued partnership.”

Strategic Postage Mastery:

Maximise Direct Mail efficiency with Inkfish Solutions

We can go beyond the creative aspects of direct mail. Our expertise and industry partner leverage also help optimise your postal strategy—ensuring your message reaches its destination efficiently and cost-effectively. We know that every penny counts in your marketing budget—and that’s why we’ve honed our skills to reduce postage costs without compromising on delivery speed, or quality of service.

Discover ingenious solutions to postage challenges with a whole host of advantages—whether it be exploring JICMAIL, eye-tracking insights, support in navigating multiple postal options and incentives, returns management, simply trimming pack weights, considering door drop alternatives, or utilising partially addressed mail—we’ve got you covered!

By partnering with us, you not only get noticed on the doormat—but also free-up valuable resources to invest in other essential elements of your marketing plan. Let Inkfish help you reinstate postage peace of mind.

Sustainable Success:

Curate your campaigns with eco-friendly strategies

Our strategies not only ensure compliance but also allow you to offset your carbon footprint, aligning your campaigns with sustainability goals. What’s more, these savvy approaches promise a remarkable return on investment.

We possess the expertise to tailor solutions to your specific requirements and budget—providing you with a winning strategy that maximises efficiency and impact.

Let Inkfish Solutions guide you back to the basics of effective communication. Embrace the power of direct mail—and let us demonstrate how it can help you connect with your audience.

Engage with Inkfish and let us deliver the right campaign!

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